Fairdinkum > Blog > Employee Spotlight > Nhan Vo: A Techie at Heart
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Nhan Vo: A Techie at Heart

Nhan is one of Fairdinkum’s systems engineers – someone we don’t ever take for granted! Between his education in information technology and his 16+ years in the field, Nhan is a true expert. But his current role didn’t come without some struggle. While many IT pros like Nhan are great working behind the scenes with the wires and code, Nhan admits the client facing aspect of the job used to be intimidating! Don’t worry, that is in the past!

True to his techie heart, Nhan says his favorite technology is GPS and that he can’t go anywhere without Google maps. One of the reasons he loves it is not only because he’d be literally lost with it, but also because the maps help orient him in unfamiliar areas. This is especially helpful when traveling to new places!

Outside of the office, he loves to spend time with his family and modify old electronics. You can even find some of his creations on eBay. While only a casual fan of football – he’s (gasp) a fan of both the Jets and the Giants – he is passionate about his new drink concoction: Monster Rehab Tea and lemonade. We’re so fortunate to have Nhan and his persistent and jolly personality on the team!

Last Updated: On September 19, 2024